Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Upcoming Pixar Episode

In an upcoming episode of Target Audience, we will be discussing all of the Pixar films and ranking them in order from worst to best.  If you would like to have your voice heard on this complex issue, just send me an email with the list of 12 Pixar films below (which are currently in chronological order) placed into the order you would rank them, #1 being your favorite, #12 your least favorite.  If there is one that you haven't seen, just leave it off the list and I will average your remaining points between the remaining films.  Also, if you have any other input about the movies (or anything else for that matter) feel free to email me.  The address is targetaudience@nfpodcasts.com   Most likely we will be recording this episode early in the week of Nov 21, so get your lists in!  Thanks!

1.       Toy Story  (1995)
2.       A Bug’s Life  (1998)
3.       Toy Story 2  (1999)
4.       Monster’s Inc.  (2001)
5.       Finding Nemo  (2003)
6.       The Incredibles  (2004)
7.       Cars   (2006)
8.       Ratatouille   (2007)
9.       Wall-E  (2008)
10.   Up   (2009)
11.   Toy Story 3  (2010)
12.   Cars 2  (2011)

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