Friday, November 11, 2011

Thoughts on Battle: Los Angeles, Skyline, Attack the Block

Since all of these movies have a similar plot (alien invasion) and I saw them within a week of each other, I would discuss them in the same post . . .and rank them against each other because, why not?  That's what I do!

1.  Attack the Block
An original take on a popular alien invasion formula where the aliens invade a UK ghetto and a gang of thugs have to fight them off.  I would call this a suspense-action-comedy, if pressed, as it seems to have all of these elements in equal parts.  It was fun listening to unfamiliar slang (I'm in the US) and the aliens, while not menacing at first, became more and more compelling as the movie went along.  I recommend this one.

2. Battle: Los Angeles
Maybe it was the fact that I just came off of watching the far inferior Skyline (more on that in a second), but I very much enjoyed this movie.  The aliens in this one didn't really have much to them, they were just kind of there as a vague threat, but I liked the characters, the plot was serviceable and I just overall enjoyed the movie.  It's not one that you'll remember well a few years from now, but it's not a waste of time either, unlike . . .

3. Skyline
Did not like it.  It's always a weird feeling when there is a bunch of action on screen and you just don't care (and feel kind of sleepy).  This movie feels like Cloverfield if Cloverfield sucked (I liked Cloverfield, by the way) in the way where you don't really get much of an explanation of what's going on outside what the core characters can see.  This worked for me in Cloverfield, but here, it's just annoying.  Skip this one.

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