Thursday, November 10, 2011

TV Shows to Watch Update!

So, as the most recently posted episode mentions, I recommend watching Modern Family.  I also mentioned on the show that I had not caught up with all three existing seasons.  I figured that as I worked my way through it, which may take a while, I would occasionally give updates on that show and the others that I mentioned in the episode, as there have been a few more episodes of most since we recorded the podcast about them.

I have now finished season 1 of Modern Family and can say that I thoroughly enjoyed it, start to finish.  I look forward to watching the 2nd and 3rd seasons and will post here with my reactions to those.

Terra Nova has had a few more episodes since I recommended it.  This show is getting a lot of bad press and terrible reviews and, honestly, I don't know why.  The wife and I are still enjoying it.  If that changes, I'll be sure to let you know.

Lastly, Top Shot's current season is over and concluded in a satisfactory manor.  I was routing for the contestant who won (and won handily, I might add) and that always makes the experience that much sweeter.

Also, another show that is getting bad reviews that I have been watching and enjoying (so far) is Once Upon a Time.  Sure it's a little cheesy, but I guess it's my kind of cheese.  I'd recommend at least checking it out to see what you think.

That's all for now.  More updates as Terra Nova progresses and as I watch the remaining seasons of Modern Family.

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