Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thoughts on Red State

I am a pretty big Kevin Smith fan, I suppose.  I listen to two of his weekly podcasts (Smodcast and Hollywood Babble-on) and like his movies (though there are a few I haven't seen including Jersey Girl and Cop Out).  This being the case, I had heard a great deal about Red State before I ever sat down to watch it.  The result is a bit  . . . mixed.

Smith calls this a horror movie.  I'd call  it action/suspense.  I never really felt like I was watching a horror movie, which is fine with me since I don't like horror movies anyway.  The action is decent, there were a few moments that took me by surprise (which is always a good thing) and overall it had a good story and decent acting, specifically from John Goodman.

I don't know if I'd recommend the movie or not.  It wasn't great but it wasn't awful either.  It's like one of those movies you aren't sorry you watched but probably will not watch again.

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