Monday, January 9, 2012

Target Audience - Episode 15: From Funny Books to Film

The beginning of the episode with Kevin of the Pow WoW and Nerdfire Podcasts was begun several months before it was completed.  We had so many technical issues that we ran out of time when we first attempted to record what would have been Episode 8.  You can listen to it here.  It took us a while before we could get together to finish it, but I stand by the lists we came up with:

1. Watchmen
2. Sin City
3. X-men: First Class
4. Men in Black
5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie

1. Kick-Ass
2. Iron Man 1 & 2
3. V for Vendetta
4. The Dark Knight
5. Blade Trilogy

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