Thursday, October 20, 2011

Up to date!

So, I have finally gotten up to date with the already released episodes as far as posting the top 5's.  There is one more episode on iTunes and the website, but I think I'll do this where I wait on the blog post until the episode is not new.  The show is heavy on spoilers, but I don't want to spoil the show itself by giving away the rankings before anyone has a chance to listen!

Stay tuned, I should be putting up some other posts on pop culture as I see fit now that I have the episode archives caught up.  Thanks for reading and listening respectively!

If all goes according to plan (which it rarely does) I should have three brand new episodes recorded by the end of the weekend that will get posted whenever Walsh gets a chance.  I'm trying to get 2 out a week, but everyone's busy, so we'll see how it goes.

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