Friday, October 21, 2011

No Love for the Silver Chair?

I was looking up the Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader on wikipedia this morning because I was curious if it had done well at the box office (I haven't seen it yet, though I saw the other two and will be seeing VotDT soon) and to find out if they planned on finishing out the 7 book movie conversion they had originally planned.  I enjoyed the first film, was a little underwhelmed by the second (though, that is my least favorite of the books as well) and am obviously withholding judgement on the third film until I actually see it, so I wanted to know what was going to happen next.  As it turns out, the next movie to be made with be the Magician's Nephew, the sixth book and a prequel to the events of the rest of the series.

When they first announced they were going to do all seven books as films, I wondered how they would handle the two chronologically out-of-order books in the series (book 5 takes place during the final chapters of book 1, book 6 takes place 40ish years before book 1).  I thought they might start jumping around after the VotDT but I have to say that I'm a little disappointed they are skipping over book 4, The Silver Chair.  It's a good book in it's own right, the actors will be the correct age for it . . . it just doesn't make sense to skip it now.  Oh well.  I look forward to catching up in the series, which, at the very least, has done a good job transferring the images from the books onto the big screen and I am interested to see how they approach the Magicians Nephew.  The book features the mother of the Ice Queen and the owner of the Wardrobe from the first movie as a young boy as well as the creation of Narnia, so there will be plenty to see.  Here's hoping it's good!

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