Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thoughts on Red State

I am a pretty big Kevin Smith fan, I suppose.  I listen to two of his weekly podcasts (Smodcast and Hollywood Babble-on) and like his movies (though there are a few I haven't seen including Jersey Girl and Cop Out).  This being the case, I had heard a great deal about Red State before I ever sat down to watch it.  The result is a bit  . . . mixed.

Smith calls this a horror movie.  I'd call  it action/suspense.  I never really felt like I was watching a horror movie, which is fine with me since I don't like horror movies anyway.  The action is decent, there were a few moments that took me by surprise (which is always a good thing) and overall it had a good story and decent acting, specifically from John Goodman.

I don't know if I'd recommend the movie or not.  It wasn't great but it wasn't awful either.  It's like one of those movies you aren't sorry you watched but probably will not watch again.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Target Audience - Episode 16: Pixar Picks

The votes are in!  I tallied all the votes I received ranking the 12 Pixar films and got together with Kelly and Brandon to discuss the list.  Here's how it turned out:

Pixar Movies from Best to Not as Good, But Still Better Than Most Studios:

1. UP
2. Finding Nemo
3. The Incredibles
4. & 5. Ratatouille/Toy Story (tie)
6. Monters, Inc.
7. Wall-E
8. Toy Story 3
9. Toy Story 2
10. Cars
11. A Bug's Life
12 Cars 2

Target Audience - Episode 15: From Funny Books to Film

The beginning of the episode with Kevin of the Pow WoW and Nerdfire Podcasts was begun several months before it was completed.  We had so many technical issues that we ran out of time when we first attempted to record what would have been Episode 8.  You can listen to it here.  It took us a while before we could get together to finish it, but I stand by the lists we came up with:

1. Watchmen
2. Sin City
3. X-men: First Class
4. Men in Black
5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie

1. Kick-Ass
2. Iron Man 1 & 2
3. V for Vendetta
4. The Dark Knight
5. Blade Trilogy

Target Audience - Episode 14: Action Jackson

Kelly is back this week and we take a different tact:  we discuss the best action actors!  This was a fun episode to record and I hope it's fun to listen to.  You can here it here.  Here's what we came up with:

1. Harrison Ford
2. Sigourney Weaver
3. Mel Gibson
4. Arnold Schwarzenegger
5. Russell Crowe

Honerable Mentions: Sassy Latina Sidekick (Michelle Rodriguez, Jenette Goldstein painted brown) & Jet Li/Chao Yun Fat

1. Bruce Willis
2. Wesley Snipes
3. Matt Damon
4. Will Smith
5. Christian Bale/Vin Diesel/Dwayne "the Rock?" Johnson

Honerable Mentions: Jackie Chan

Target Audience - Episode 13: Through the Wayback Machine

In this episode, Brandon is back and we discuss the best historical movies.  This ended up being a long one, but there was a lot of history to discuss!  You can listen to the episode here.  Our lists were as follows:

1. Ben Hur
2. Glory
3. Saving Private Ryan
4. Les Miserables
5. Gladiator

1. Master and Commander
2. Last of the Mohicans
3. Hero
4. All Quiet on the Western Front
5. Lawrence of Arabia