Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Grievance: "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth"

I thought that since I have this forum to discuss pop culture and the entertainment industry, I might use the opportunity to bring up something that always bothers me around the holidays: bad Christmas standard covers.  Oftentimes a pop version of a classic will at best be unsatisfying and will at worst be non-sensical.  The one that I'm thinking of specifically, as the title suggests, is "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth". The original recording of the song, by Spike Jonze is here.

Now, don't get me wrong: this is an obnoxious song, so matter how you slice it.  However, nothing gets my goat more during the holidays than hearing George Straight's version, or one of the other numerous covers of this song, where they just sing it straight (pardon the pun).  What I mean is the whole point of the song is the longing of a little boy who has lost his two front teeth and just wants them back so that he can speak properly.  The entire joke of the song is that his missing maxillary central incisors cause a speech impediment.  If you don't sing the song with that impediment, there is no joke.  The song does not make sense without it.  There's even a line in the song, "it seems so long since I could say, "sister suzie sittin' on a thistle"  that should sound like this "it theems tho long thince I could thay, "thithter thuzie thittin' on a thithle" (I think I just caused my spellchecker to catch fire).

Anyway, just a pet peeve of mine.  Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year!  

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Target Audience - Episode 12: Not a Dry Eye in Sight

First episode to feature multiple guests!  I had a lot of fun with this one, where we talk about the Top 5 Tearjerkers.  You can listen to the episode here.  The lists were as follows:

1. The Films of Pixar
2. Life is Beautiful
3. Big Fish
4. Dumbo
5. Forrest Gump

1. My Girl
2. Never Let Me Go
3. Finding Neverland
4. 50/50
5. Atonement

1. UP
2. Savannah Smiles